Posted by Tomer Sharon, User Experience Researcher

Students, professionals, and executives looking to stay on the bleeding edge of accessibility will be heading to Addison, Texas, from May 31 - June 2 for the annual Big Design Conference. Googlers will also be in attendance to present research and share experiences and best practices surrounding accessibility technologies at Google.  

This is Google’s first year sponsoring Big Design, though our commitment to accessibility has been long standing.

Posted by Kathy Baxter, Sr. UX Researcher & Infrastructure Manager

More than 60 Googlers descended on Austin, TX May 5-10 for CHI—probably the best CHI I’ve attended in the last 12 years! Each year, it’s exciting to see Google continuing to offer contributions to the CHI community through research and volunteer efforts.

Posted by Prabhakar Raghavan, Vice President of Engineering 

More than forty members of Google’s technical staff gathered in Lyon, France in April to participate in the global dialogue around the state of the web at the World Wide Web conference (WWW) 2012. A decade ago, Larry Page and Sergey Brin applied their research to an information retrieval problem and their work—presented at WWW in 1998—led to the invention of today’s most popular search engine.

Researchers at Google have enormous potential to impact the experience of Google users, which means it’s of enormous importance for us to conduct Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. Grounded in user behavior understanding and real-use iteration, Google’s HCI researchers invent, design, build and trial real-scale interactive systems in the real world, often exploring areas where products and features may not yet exist.
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