Nearly one hundred guests from the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Boston joined Googlers for a fascinating technical talk Wednesday, March 21 at our Cambridge office. Google Cambridge partnered with the local chapter of SWE to showcase some of the incredible work women at Google are accomplishing and showcase the Cambridge office. Women from all areas of engineering joined us: academia, industry professionals and local students.

Guests began the evening with a sit down dinner and drinks with Googlers and had the opportunity to network with each other. After dinner, engineering manager Julie Farago touched on some of the amazing opportunities available for women at Google, and then I , Alice Bonhomme-Biais, Software Engineer, delivered the technical talk, Crisis Response: The Story of How Technology Helped After the Earthquakes in Haiti and Japan.

I walked guests through the work of the crisis response team at Google and how we responded to the Japan and Haiti earthquakes last year. I highlighted some of the other tools our team is building for potential future crisis, which aim to assist responders and partners during emergencies. I also touched on some of Google’s partnerships with NGOs and how is making an impact in the world.
People in the audience sit back and enjoy the presentation
The audience stayed for nearly an hour afterward, asking questions and expressing an interest in getting involved with and other efforts around crisis susport. We were thrilled with the engagement from the nearly one hundred women that attended.

For more information about Google’s crisis response team and efforts and tools for responders, visit

Posted by Alice Bonhomme-Biais - Software Engineer, Crisis Response Team

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