The very first Girls Leading in Development and Engineering (GLIDE) community kick-off event was held last month at the Google Tokyo office. The GLIDE community was launched in Japan recently with the mission to encourage women to excel in computing and become active leaders in the field. The founders of the GLIDE community consist of women from different regions of Japan who are currently excelling in the field of computer science and have shown a deep passion for growing, promoting and strengthening female leaders in the world of engineering. The participants at the kick-off event consisted of former BOLD interns and the Anita Borg Scholars and finalists who are currently residing in different areas of Japan.

As we mentioned in a previous post, Googlers traveled to Boston this month to participate in the Usenix LISA '11 conference. Nearly 1,300 IT professionals attended this year’s conference to discuss cutting edge system administration techniques and technologies.  

2011 marks Google’s eighth year as a LISA sponsor, and we had a significant presence at the conference. The numerous technical sessions presented by Googlers all had a common thread: overcoming organizational opposition to change.

Code Jam is an annual programming competition in which professional and student programmers are asked to solve complex algorithmic challenges in a limited amount of time, using the programming language of their choice. This year, Google engineers based in the Tokyo office came together as the Google Code Jam Japan team to create a unique set of problems and prepare a fully internationalized contest UI, all in Japanese.
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