Google I/O is our annual 2-day developer conference we host in San Francisco. With more than 5500 developers in attendance and 722 Googlers presenting and demoing it’s the biggest event Google hosts and this year we extended the magic of I/O beyond the conference center to hundreds of thousands of developers across the globe. Keep reading to find out more...

Do you know what the “I/O” in “Google I/O” stands for? It’s actually a trick question. The I/O is a nod to the input and output of computer programming, the 1s and 0s of binary code, but doesn’t actually stand for any two words.

Cross-posted with the Official Google Blog

2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, founded to speed along America’s industrial progress through scientific innovation. MIT has been at the forefront of computer science with key advancements in the field, like the invention of core memory, the first file sharing system and RSA, the algorithm for public key encryption.

Posted by Yang Li, Research Scientist

Cross-posted with the Official Google Research Blog

Google has an increasing presence at ACM CHI: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, which is the premiere conference for Human Computer Interaction research. Eight Google papers will appear at the conference.

Google is in action at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2011 in Vancouver, Canada with papers, panels, product demos and more. On Tuesday, May 10th of the conference, we challenge you to search for Google’s CHI at CHI. What’s CHI at CHI? Is it flowing life energy? Is it the third letter of the Greek alphabet?

It’s just the little puzzle that could win you a big prize: an Android-powered Samsung Galaxy tablet.
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