Google has an increasing presence at ACM CHI: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, which is the premiere conference for Human Computer Interaction research. Eight Google papers will appear at the conference. These papers not only touch on our core areas such as Search, Chrome and Android but also demonstrate our growing effort in new areas where HCI is essential, such as new search user interfaces, gesture-based interfaces and cross-device interaction. They showcase our efforts to address user experiences in diverse situations. Googlers are playing active roles in the conference in many other ways too: participating in conference committees, hosting panels, organizing workshops and teaching courses, as well as running demos and 1:1 sessions at Google's booth.
This year's CHI takes place in Vancouver, BC, from May 7th - 12th.
Gesture Avatar: A Technique for Operating Mobile User Interfaces Using Gestures, by Hao Lü, Yang Li*
User-Defined Motion Gestures for Mobile Interaction by Jaime Ruiz, Yang Li*, Edward Lank
Experimental Analysis of Touch-Screen Gesture Designs in Mobile Environments by Andrew Bragdon, Eugene Nelson, Yang Li*, Ken Hinckley
Many Bills: Engaging Citizens through Visualizations of Congressional Legislation by Yannick Assogba, Irene Ros, Joan DiMicco, Matt McKeon*
YouPivot: Improving Recall with Contextual Search by Joshua Hailpern, Nicholas Jitkoff*, Andrew Warr*, Karrie Karahalios, Robert Sesek, Nik Shkrob
Oops, I Did It Again: Mitigating Repeated Access Control Errors on Facebook by Serge Egelman, Andrew Oates*, Shriram Krishnamurthi
Deep Shot: A Framework for Migrating Tasks Across Devices Using Mobile Phone Cameras by Tsung-Hsiang Chang, Yang Li*
DoubleFlip: A Motion Gesture Delimiter for Mobile Interaction by Jaime Ruiz, Yang Li*
Crowdsourcing and Human Computation: Systems, Studies and Platforms by Michael Bernstein, Ed H. Chi*, Lydia B. Chilton, Björn Hartmann, Aniket Kittur, Robert C. MillerPANELS
Designing for User Experience: Academia & Industry by Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye, Elizabeth Buie, Jettie Hoonhout, Kristina Höök, Virpi Roto, Scott Jenson*, Peter Wright
Festschrift Panel in Honor of Stuart K. Card by Ed H. Chi*, Peter Pirolli, Bonnie John, Judith S Olson, Dan Russell*, Tom Moran
CHI Should be Replicating and Validating Results More: Discuss by Max L. Wilson, Wendy Mackay, Ed H. Chi*, Michael Bernstein, Dan Russell*, Harold Thimbleby
Transferability of Research Findings: Context-Dependent or Model-Driven by Ed H. Chi*, Mary Czerwinski, David Millen, Dave Randall, Gunnar Stevens, Volker Wulf, John Zimmerman
The Future of Child-Computer Interaction by Allison Druin, Gary Knell, Elliot Soloway, Dan Russell*, Elizabeth Mynatt, Yvonne Rogers
From Basecamp to Summit: Scaling Field Research Across 9 Locations by Jens Riegelsberger*, Audrey Yang*, Konstantin Samoylov*, Elizabeth Nunge*, Molly Stevens*, Patrick Larvie*
Design and Analysis of Large Scale Log Studies by Susan Dumais, Robin Jeffries*, Dan Russell*, Diane Tang*, Jaime Teevan
Participatory Culture in the Age of Social Media by Dana Rotman, Sarah Vieweg, Sarita Yardi, Ed H. Chi*, Jenny Preece, Ben Shneiderman, Peter Pirolli, Tom GlaisyerNote: * denotes a Googler
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