1. Have you ever wondered what your personal mobility pattern is?
    Do you know where and in what context you meet your familiar strangers?
    Do you know why it is important to quantify your location privacy?

    If you know the answers to these questions then the Mobility Data Contest (hosted at the ACM HotPlanet'11 workshop) is for you! Haven’t a clue as to what the heck we’re talking about? We also want you to take part and learn more about the fascinating peculiarities of human mobility.

    The HotPlanet ‘11 Mobility Data Contest consists of designing a human mobility experiment, processing the collected data, visualizing it and communicating the results to a broader audience through the medium of your choice. While the contest organizers want to challenge you to share your experience in crunching mobility data, the idea is to explore various approaches for understanding the peculiarities of human mobility. Participants must plan on attending MobiSys‘11 and/or its associated workshops, as this is where you will gather your data.

    Google is sponsoring first, second and third places prizes for the contest and Googlers will be on the panel of judges. Please visit the ACM HotPlanet'11 website for more information about the workshop and the Mobility Data Contest. But don’t wait until June to get started on your design-- start experimenting now and see where it takes you. We hope to see you there!

    Posted by Dr. Michał Piórkowski, USI, Switzerland

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  2. Google Classroom is now in session! With the launch of our new program, we’re inviting qualified engineers with a passion for coding on-site at Google to attend a three-part educational series. Our own engineers become professors for a night as they teach their eager pupils the ins and outs of the products they’re working on. Included are in-depth demonstrations and discussions ranging in topics from exploring concepts behind Chrome, to what it means to be a an engineer at Google, to writing a service so that everyone in the world can use it simultaneously.

    In December, our New York office welcomed 28 students, representing both industry and academic backgrounds, to attend the kickoff events which focused on Chrome extensions. Josh Bloch, Chief Java Architect, presented a choice selection of programming puzzles that kept all of the students on their toes, leaving them with an assortment of fun swag to thank them for their participation.

    This month, we wrapped the second presentation of Google Classroom in Kirkland, Washington, which focused on ads and scalability. Seven different Googlers, including Engineering Director Dr. James Whittaker, covered a jam-packed agenda which included discussion about Google's standardized magic for helping one’s team scale code, making money online and Google’s famed company culture.

    So while we can’t promise kickball at recess, we are very excited to provide our guests some tricks of the trade.  Stay tuned for more as we continue rolling out this program across North America!

    Posted by Holly Benson, Industry Programs

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  3. Once a Googler, always a Googler.

    The Google Alumni Network, launched in October of 2010, is gearing up for a number of events in the upcoming months.  We’re really excited that former Googlers are going to have opportunities to reconnect all over the world. The inaugural event will take place later this month in San Francisco and will feature a panel of Alumni speakers doing awesome things post-Google, plenty of food and networking, as well as cool SWAG.

    If you’re a Google Alumnus interested in attending the kick-off event, check out all the details here and make sure to RSVP. We’ll report back on this blog in about a month with an event recap and photographs. Also, stay tuned for more Alumni events planned in 2011 in Bangalore, Hyderabad, NYC, London and Dublin. Hope to see you there!

    Posted by Daniel Ain, Alumni Programs

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  4. Kaiserslautern, Germany
    February 28 to March 4

    For 25 years, the Business, Technologie und Web conference has been the central forum for the German database community. At this bi-annual event, scientists, practitioners and users exchange information on a variety of topics surrounding database and information technology. Google's Nelson Mattos, Vice President of Product and Engineering for Europe, Middle East and Africa, will deliver the keynote speech that identifies the web as the development platform of the future.

    So if you’re attending BTW, stop by our booth to say “guten tag!”

    Posted by Daniela Brica, People Programs


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