Hello and welcome to your global forum for staying in tune with upcoming Google events and activities across the Computer Science world (for examples, read on). Find out where we’ll be and how you can talk with us, or where we were and what we thought about it. In addition, we’ll feature guest posts from members of the technical community, puzzle and prize challenges, technical award announcements, and more. We hope you’ll follow this blog, post comments, and share it with a friend (or 10)!
Here’s a peek at some activities we have planned in early 2011:
WWW 2011: March 28 - April 1 in Hyderabad, India
This year the International World Wide Web conference takes root in India, hailing the ecumenical theme of "Web for All." It was this same conference in 1998 where two Stanford graduate students presented their work on ranking the relevance of a webpage to a given information search by analyzing the web graph. Over ten years later Google continues to make information universally accessible and useful. So join us; meet and converse with the technical folks who continue to innovate on our mission.
Google Code Jam: The annual programming competition where we challenge professional and student programmers to solve complex algorithmic challenges in a limited amount of time, using the programming language of their choice. Registration for Google Code Jam will open in April, and the world finals will be held in Tokyo, Japan in July. Join our Google Groups for discussion and announcements about the competition. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter @googlecodejam.
PyCon 2011 USA: March 9 - 17 in Atlanta, Georgia
PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language. As many of you may know, Python is one of the three official languages here at Google. Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, is a Googler too—so naturally we’re thrilled to be supporting PyCon as the top sponsor again this year. We invite you all to stop by our booth to meet our technical staff as they demo select Google tools and APIs.
Asia Anita Borg Scholarships: Dr. Anita Borg devoted her life to revolutionizing the way we think about technology and dismantling the barriers that keep women and minorities from entering the computing and technology fields. In honor of her vision, we established the Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship in 2004, awarding scholarships to women who share her passion for technology. We’re proud to announce the Anita Borg Scholarship Asia. All scholarship recipients will receive a financial award. In addition, all scholarship recipients and finalists will be invited to attend a retreat at a Google office in Asia. More details to come this April.
Our new year’s resolution is to deliver the most relevant and timely information about our events to our global technical audience. We want to meet you across our conference tables, hear about the work you are engaged in and answer questions you have about us. In short, we want to have a conversation with you; so comment freely and tell us what you’re thinking!
Here’s a peek at some activities we have planned in early 2011:
This year the International World Wide Web conference takes root in India, hailing the ecumenical theme of "Web for All." It was this same conference in 1998 where two Stanford graduate students presented their work on ranking the relevance of a webpage to a given information search by analyzing the web graph. Over ten years later Google continues to make information universally accessible and useful. So join us; meet and converse with the technical folks who continue to innovate on our mission.
PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language. As many of you may know, Python is one of the three official languages here at Google. Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, is a Googler too—so naturally we’re thrilled to be supporting PyCon as the top sponsor again this year. We invite you all to stop by our booth to meet our technical staff as they demo select Google tools and APIs.
Our new year’s resolution is to deliver the most relevant and timely information about our events to our global technical audience. We want to meet you across our conference tables, hear about the work you are engaged in and answer questions you have about us. In short, we want to have a conversation with you; so comment freely and tell us what you’re thinking!
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