1. Do you find yourself searching for information on the conferences we attend? Are you interested in finding out where we're showcasing our products and career opportunities? We're excited to announce the launch of our Technical Programs and Events site - the official "home" of this blog. Through this site, we will be engaging directly with the technical community, providing you with constantly-updated information on Google's outreach programs and career opportunities. And since we want you to know where we'll be and when, we've included a calendar of our upcoming events and conferences. Check out the site here

    Posted by Nilma Rubin

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  2. Attention engineers and technologists in the New York Area: You're invited to Google's NYC office February 16th, 5:30 - 8 p.m. EST, for a talk on graphs and their various applications in social networks with Chris Dixon, co-founder of Hunch and the Founder Collector. Check out the agenda and tell us you're coming here.

    Hosted monthly at Google's NYC office, the tech talk series will cover a variety of topics of strong interest to the NYC technology community. Speakers will be enlisted from the local community (including, but not limited to, Google engineers).

    Posted by Vivian Fontillas

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  3. We are pleased to announce that Layali Rashid and Jing Zheng have been selected to receive Google Conference Travel Awards to ASPLOS 2011, March 5-11 in Newport Beach, CA. They are both exemplary students whose intellectual contributions and commitment to leadership in the computer science community are noteworthy. We look forward to meeting them at ASPLOS 2011 to congratulate them in person!

    Posted by Kate Berrio

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  4. Over one thousand minds met in Vancouver last month to define future trends in smart information processing at the Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS). The single-track program featured tutorials with leading scientists, late night poster and demo sessions, best paper presentations, followed by workshops held a snowball’s throw away from the slopes of Whistler Mountain.

    Googlers published 9 papers and co-led 3 workshops (see full list below). We were also a major sponsor, providing travel assistance and best paper awards for students.

    I was personally impressed by the growing level of maturity and application scope of Graphical Model methods (e.g. topic detection in text) and Sparse Model learning (e.g. determining which features describe complex data). These methods are ripe for creating the next generation of amazing apps for organizing the world’s information, thanks to a lot of inspiring research from around the globe. The workshops were also fascinating, drilling down into areas such as the application of learning algorithms on “Cores, Clusters and Clouds.”

    This year NIPS 2011 takes us to Granada, Spain. Hasta luego!

    Doug Aberdeen
    Software Engineer

    Google’s papers, talks and workshops at NIPS 2010:
    Label Embedding Trees for Large Multi-Class Tasks by Samy Bengio, Jason Weston
    Learning Bounds for Importance Weighting by Corinna Cortes, Yishay Mansour, Mehryar Mohri
    Online Learning in the Manifold of Low-Rank Matrices by Gal Chechik, Daphna Weinshall, Uri Shalit
    Deterministic Single–Pass Algorithm for LDA by Issei Sato, Kenichi Kurihara and Hiroshi Nakagawa
    Distributed Dual Averaging In Networks by John Duchi, Alekh Agarwal, Martin Wainwright
    Coarse–to–Fine Learning and Inference by Ben Taskar, David Weiss, Benjamin Sapp and Slav Petrov
    Coarse–to–fine Decoding for Parsing and Machine Translation by Slav Petrov
    Low–rank Methods for Large–scale Machine Learning by Arthur Gretton, Michael Mahoney, Mehryar Mohri and Ameet Talwalkar
    Online Learning in the Manifold of Low–Rank Matrices by Uri Shalit, Daphna Weinshall, Gal Chechik
    Learning on Cores, Clusters, and Clouds by John Duchi, Ofer Dekel, John Langford, Lawrence Cayton and Alekh Agarwal
    Distributed MAP Inference for Undirected Graphical Models by Sameer Singh, Amar Subramanya, Fernando Pereira and Andrew McCallum
    MapReduce/Bigtable for Distributed Optimization by Keith Hall, Scott Gilpin and Gideon Mann

    Posted by Doug Aberdeen

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  5. Our ongoing commitment to scholarly research and support of the advancement of female computer scientists was illuminated late last year among the fountains and sculptures of Florence, Italy, when two female computer science scholars were awarded travel grants to attend ACM Multimedia 2010 (ACM MM).

    We had the opportunity to speak to Andreea Danielescu, a third year PhD student at Arizona State University, and Behnoosh Hariri, a PhD in a post-doc year at University of Ottawa. They were each already involved in the conference, but uncertain about where their travel funding would come from until they applied for a Google travel grant.

    Reflecting on the experience, both women emphasized the importance of networking. Before she completed her PhD, Behnoosh thought that if she “focused on research and maintained an outstanding contribution that it was enough.” She soon realized, as she was looking into post-doc opportunities, that successful researchers need to know other people who work in the same field. “Research cannot be individual these days,” she said and added that conferences are a great opportunity to garner specific feedback on your work from some of the greatest minds in the field.

    Andreea and Behnoosh met with Googlers from our Zurich office; Andreea’s general impression? Googlers are laid back, practical and have “interesting” points of view, “which is not a bad thing” she quickly added. “Googlers always ask, why is this applicable? How is this useful?”; she says these simple questions drive her research and are in line with her values as a scientist—something she was pleasantly surprised to see she had in common with Googlers.

    Behnoosh was more inclined to see Google as a professional destination. She elaborated saying “my attitude was, if you wanted something really challenging that academia was the place.” But she now sees that you can still be “challenged as a software developer, doing something new and not routine.” Andreea echoed this sentiment: “Before the conference I had heard there weren’t too many research specific positions and I wasn’t sure if they [software engineers] have too much contact with researchers. The conference changed this perception and I now know that there are Googlers engaged in product-driven research.”

    Posted by Kate Berrio & Vivian Fontillas

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  6. Hello and welcome to your global forum for staying in tune with upcoming Google events and activities across the Computer Science world (for examples, read on). Find out where we’ll be and how you can talk with us, or where we were and what we thought about it. In addition, we’ll feature guest posts from members of the technical community, puzzle and prize challenges, technical award announcements, and more. We hope you’ll follow this blog, post comments, and share it with a friend (or 10)!

    Here’s a peek at some activities we have planned in early 2011:

    WWW 2011: March 28 - April 1 in Hyderabad, India
    This year the International World Wide Web conference takes root in India, hailing the ecumenical theme of "Web for All." It was this same conference in 1998 where two Stanford graduate students presented their work on ranking the relevance of a webpage to a given information search by analyzing the web graph. Over ten years later Google continues to make information universally accessible and useful. So join us; meet and converse with the technical folks who continue to innovate on our mission.

    Google Code Jam: The annual programming competition where we challenge professional and student programmers to solve complex algorithmic challenges in a limited amount of time, using the programming language of their choice. Registration for Google Code Jam will open in April, and the world finals will be held in Tokyo, Japan in July. Join our Google Groups for discussion and announcements about the competition.  You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter @googlecodejam.

    PyCon 2011 USA: March 9 - 17 in Atlanta, Georgia
    PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language. As many of you may know, Python is one of the three official languages here at Google.  Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, is a Googler too—so naturally we’re thrilled to be supporting PyCon as the top sponsor again this year.  We invite you all to stop by our booth to meet our technical staff as they demo select Google tools and APIs.

    Asia Anita Borg Scholarships: Dr. Anita Borg devoted her life to revolutionizing the way we think about technology and dismantling the barriers that keep women and minorities from entering the computing and technology fields. In honor of her vision, we established the Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship in 2004, awarding scholarships to women who share her passion for technology. We’re proud to announce the Anita Borg Scholarship Asia. All scholarship recipients will receive a financial award. In addition, all scholarship recipients and finalists will be invited to attend a retreat at a Google office in Asia. More details to come this April.

    Our new year’s resolution is to deliver the most relevant and timely information about our events to our global technical audience. We want to meet you across our conference tables, hear about the work you are engaged in and answer questions you have about us. In short, we want to have a conversation with you; so comment freely and tell us what you’re thinking!

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